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Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse... but you take a boat in the air that you don't love... she'll shake you off just as sure as the turn of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she ought to fall down... tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.  -Mal

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The Walking Dead

Started by TinkTanker, September 13, 2010, 09:43:29 AM

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It's nice here with a view of the trees
Eating with a spoon?
They don't give you knives?
'Spect you watch those trees
Blowing in the breeze
We want to see you lead a normal life


Decided not to submit my tee shirt as I've since found some similar ones, and peoples on the innernets like to accuse others of stealing ideas if they are similar (saw this in action with a Doctor Who/Peanuts mashup which was similar to someone else's older idea).

I may still see about putting it up for sale in case I can get one sucker out there who likes mine better. 
One of their designs (the others are either just the phrase only or use stickmen):

Edited to specify that's a competing design.


It's nice here with a view of the trees
Eating with a spoon?
They don't give you knives?
'Spect you watch those trees
Blowing in the breeze
We want to see you lead a normal life


Because I know you guys have been waiting breathlessly, here's conservative Jonah Goldberg's comments on the show.

I only agree with 1, 5 and perhap 4.  He can also keep his running zombies (who aren't actually zombies).


In this preview clip for Sunday's show, Dale gives some fatherly advice to Glenn (sorry, no zombies):


"If I'd known the world was going to end, I'd have brought better books."


It's nice here with a view of the trees
Eating with a spoon?
They don't give you knives?
'Spect you watch those trees
Blowing in the breeze
We want to see you lead a normal life


I'm gonna have to start reading this thread from the beginning, cuz Tom & Jessi decided to start watching on Netflix. Personally, I thought it was so predictable and full of glaring foreshadows that only someone 'brain dead' wouldn't see what was coming next. I know I drive Tom crazy when I sit and basically do a 'RiffTraxx' of what he's watching...but I can't help it!! I was writing stories better than this in 6th grade! Even tho' it's way too gross (but even then, the effects are uber simple and even Jessi and the Indy film crew she's working with can do that make up and such), and the story telling (in my opinion) sub-par I kept coming back into the room and asking, 'did they do this/that?' *whatever I saw coming and announced loudly before leaving the room.

Am I just being a 'b-word' or is it really just that simplistic and Jr. High?

I think what bugged me most (and I only watched the first 2 episodes) was the fact that, as far as I saw *and I was playing online at the same time*, the lead/sheriff deputy, NEVER asked the very first thing that ANYONE would ask..."WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED???"...."HOW DID THIS COME ABOUT?"...and how did he not become one of them or dinner? It really also bugs me that they'll go all out to create one of the best effects in the show so far, the '1/2 woman', but yet they'll do the classic tv/movie crap of having a hospital patient pull out his IV!! I can totally suspend disbelief and go for the fact that somehow zombies are walking the earth...but if a guy's in a coma and no one is there to change his IV bag (and he'd also have a catheter in), he cannot just wake up and NOT be 'soiled' *and who has ever worn 'shorts' in a hospital bed, especially a person in a coma???*...then they just pull that IV out!! He reaches over and touches the flowers, they are actually as crunchy as maybe anywhere from a week to a month for flowers...yet he's not died of dehydration? *IV bags need to be changed often*, or humans will die within a few days, and most likely have kidney damage. Oh yeah, they showed him gulping water (from a hospital that should have been shut down, and not have working utilities)...but c'mon...how much time was supposed to have passed? Do they get to that soon? Cuz I'm screaming at the TV here!

Okay, enough ranting. I think I'll just start at the beginning of the thread.

Oh, and I take it in this reality, no one has ever watched a zombie movie? Cuz this guy has failed at Zombie 101. Oh, and as a cop, even Tom said *when I'd left the room* "He should have known something was wrong about riding that horse into the city, when all the cars were stopped on the route, trying to LEAVE"...so, not only is he a dunce at Zombie knowledge, he's not that great of a cop!


OH, and why waste bullets? "Aim for the head" ~ Shaun of the Dead.


Hey Saxy,

You'll find there are plenty of complaints about the show but it can still be entertaining.

According to the creator of the comic series, they live in an alternate reality where the Romero movies never happened.  So, they don't know things we already know. It's why they call them "walkers" (and other names) instead of "zombies".

The workings of the zombie plague, as I understand it, have still not been revealed even in the comic book. It sounds like it happened so fast most people just didn't know what was going on.

If you'd like to see the history of the half-zombie woman, AMC had created a webseries based on her story. It's linked in this thread somewhere, but I'm sure a quick search would find the episodes.


Quote from: Eric on November 12, 2011, 02:03:24 PM
Hey Saxy,

You'll find there are plenty of complaints about the show but it can still be entertaining.

According to the creator of the comic series, they live in an alternate reality where the Romero movies never happened.  So, they don't know things we already know. It's why they call them "walkers" (and other names) instead of "zombies".

The workings of the zombie plague, as I understand it, have still not been revealed even in the comic book. It sounds like it happened so fast most people just didn't know what was going on.

If you'd like to see the history of the half-zombie woman, AMC had created a webseries based on her story. It's linked in this thread somewhere, but I'm sure a quick search would find the episodes.

Jessi found a vid about how they did her make up. Since she's into the film-maker/make-up effects stuff, she was amazed at how they did it. I have to agree it's the best make-up in the few scenes of such i've seen so far in the series. I absolutely HATE when they do a close up face and they have the make-up STOP just around the eyes and you see nice fresh healthy skin!! They did that with the little girl in the first part of the pilot ep. Even natural death changes the color of skin quiet quickly...and no matter what the process (and Yeah, I figured this was a world that had never seen/heard of 'zombies'), the fact of human biology would mean that all the skin of the 'walkers' would have the grayish/bluish hue. Have these make-up people never heard of BLENDING? reminds me of the old days when the girls would use Cover Girl foundation in a shade to dark for them, and they'd STOP right at the jaw line and have that odd orangish MASK of make up. That's what I saw too many times in the first two eps. Sorry, by my ADD/OCD just cannot handle that!! I got, very early on that this was gear toward a younger audience. Foreshadowing should be so subtle that its not till whatever happens that you go..'ohhhhh....so that's why....'. I hate when you watch a show and can KNOW what will happen soon cuz this or that happens. *that whole handcuffed to the roof, trip and knock over tool bag, drop key perfectly down drain thing had me commenting (loudly), everything that was going to happen...and did*. Is it meant to be camp? Is is supposed to be tongue in cheek? Maybe I'm just not getting it? Is it a homage to those classic movies? Done so obviously that even a squeamish person like me can actually watch?

I have a feeling that Tom and Jessi will continue with it, and until they make me leave the room, I'll still be doing my best Mike Nelson, Crow and Tom Servo impersonation!  :azn: