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Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse... but you take a boat in the air that you don't love... she'll shake you off just as sure as the turn of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she ought to fall down... tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.  -Mal

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George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones

Started by Spooky, November 29, 2010, 09:28:05 AM

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Methinks they need to film it all and just do the F/X each year. Or release everything in one year. ;)


Quote from: Spooky on November 02, 2011, 12:38:38 PM
If HBO ends up doing the whole series and the young Isaac Hempstead-Wright, who plays Bran, has a typical teenage growth spurt... Whoa Nelly! Poor Hodor's back is going to be pretty sore by the time A Dance With Dragons gets around to airing. Bran may be a character they need to recast at some point.

I have the same concern .

Carl on Walking Dead too .

It's nice here with a view of the trees
Eating with a spoon?
They don't give you knives?
'Spect you watch those trees
Blowing in the breeze
We want to see you lead a normal life


MGoT: Battles, bodies and bloodshed


A violent and exciting new update to Making Game of Thrones today, as Cat Taylor blogs about the filming of episode nine.

QuoteThere are no words.

I mean there are actually no words today. We are scheduled to have a night full of action – there is no dialogue, other than the occasional scream. We have nearly 200 extras on set this evening – charging all over the place and then coming to a sudden halt when the stunt coordinators blow on whistles.

I can't give you details of exactly what we are filming at the moment, but I will say that the shots look incredible and that it will be worth the wait – what's filming now will appear late in the season – Neil Marshall is directing episode 9.

QuoteIf it helps, we have to wait too! I always forget just how long stunts can take to reset. Fires have to be put out and then relit. Extras repositioned. Blood cleared. Weapons reloaded or cleaned. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes or more to set up for a short, sharp flurry of the most amazing action you could imagine.
You find yourself holding your breath while you watch, listening to the clash of metal and the screams of men as they throw themselves against their enemies. Each time you focus on a different area, trying to catch as much as possible. The detail that the costume armorers have put into the design and functionality of the warriors' gear, the sigils on shields as they are used to bash someone's head in, the shadows on the wall as the fires light up the fight.

A few feet away from the monitor tent, where we sit sheltered from the rain, is a stack of bodies. Earlier, one of the costume girls walked past me with a bloody leg, still in its boot.

It's a weird sort of evening.

Winter Is Coming: Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see it on screen. Excited we will be getting some proper, full-scale battles this season. Is that Aidan Gillen hiding behind the clapperboard in that pic?

And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.


Icelandic casting begins

The casting for the Icelandic portion of filming has now begun. And the first roles cast... horses! According to this blog post, 15 Icelandic horses have been recruited to appear in season two of Game of Thrones.

That's not all though, we have also received a report that 13 members of the Viking reenactement group Rimmugýgur have been cast to play Rattleshirt's band of wildlings. And if they are casting Rattleshirt's band than certainly they are casting a Rattleshirt.

Lastly, as reported on by Westeros and first discovered by thremnir, this August article from Icelandic site Visir indicates that actor Gudmundur Ingi Þorvaldsson has twice auditioned for Game of Thrones. Both times he has been told by the producers that they really like him, but want to wait for the right role. As Ran speculates, might he be a possible Mance Rayder candidate? Interestingly, Þorvaldsson notes in the article that he auditioned for seasons 3 and 4 in October. Which not only means the producers are looking ahead to future seasons, but multiple future seasons.

Winter Is Coming: We have heard rumblings that HBO has mulled the possibility of greenlighting seasons 3 and 4 together and that the production will then film them back-to-back in a year-long block of filming. This is a very unconfirmed report, and I don't think anything has been officially decided yet, but this article does seem to support the notion. Now gives us Rattleshirt!


And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.


Quote from: Spooky on November 10, 2011, 11:56:52 AM
Winter Is Coming: We have heard rumblings that HBO has mulled the possibility of greenlighting seasons 3 and 4 together and that the production will then film them back-to-back in a year-long block of filming. This is a very unconfirmed report, and I don't think anything has been officially decided yet, but this article does seem to support the notion. Now gives us Rattleshirt!

That'd be awesome!

[spoiler=from the books]And of course, it could work since many of the actors wouldn't have to commit to very long. ;)[/spoiler]


And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.


We have heard rumblings that HBO has mulled the possibility of greenlighting seasons 3 and 4 together and that the production will then film them back-to-back in a year-long block of filming. This is a very unconfirmed report

They read my e-mail .

Those kids ain't gettin' younger .

It's nice here with a view of the trees
Eating with a spoon?
They don't give you knives?
'Spect you watch those trees
Blowing in the breeze
We want to see you lead a normal life


It's nice here with a view of the trees
Eating with a spoon?
They don't give you knives?
'Spect you watch those trees
Blowing in the breeze
We want to see you lead a normal life



Quote from: Eric on November 11, 2011, 03:28:52 PM
Peter Dinklage hates [fantasy] dwarves and that only Middle-Eaterners play terrorists.

Read that earlier. I guess a lot of Middle-Easterners do play terrorist, but it would be interesting to look at the number of actual terrorist attacks perpetrated in the name if Islam and the number that aren't and compare that to the number of terrorist types that are portrayed in the movies and on TV shows. Not every terrorist in the movies an TV are Middle-Eastern.
And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.